Featured Shows

Summer House
Now in its third season on Bravo, "Summer House", is the story of a group of 30 something professionals who work hard for their money in Manhattan but when the summer comes they rent “share houses” and play hard on the weekends in the Hamptons. More than just a show about “Sending It”, Summer House is a view into that time in someone's life when you know it’s probably time to grow up, but you’re just having so much fun being young.

Staten Island Hustle
This is the story of five lifelong friends from Staten Island who are always trying to come up with the next big invention or scheme to strike it rich. From The New York Watermaker (a water filter that turns any water into famous New York water “ya know, for pizza”) to the Incredible Shrinking Suitcase (a carry-on bag that lets you pack as much as a full size) these guys will stop at nothing to make a buck. SIH first aired on CNBC in 2018 and all episodes are available on demand @CNBC Prime.

Tough Enough
“Tough Enough” is USA Network’s reboot of the old MTV/WWE hit. But this new version had a very modern twist. A complete ½ reality show was shot and cut every week and incorporated into a live event that allowed America to decide, via internet voting, which of their favorite contestants were Tough Enough to earn a spot in the WWE.

The Almost Impossible Gameshow
“The Almost Impossible Game Show” has been described as what would happen if two lunatics escaped an asylum and set up a ridiculous game show in an old military testing facility. 20 episodes were produced for MTV over 12 days. 120 contestants played games simultaneously, facing such obstacles as the Pickelator and Slippy Hill or the Velociraptor (the world's largest treadmill) resulting in a 30 camera shoot during which, miraculously, no one went to the hospital.